I enjoy a day out; whether it is a walk, a bike ride or a drive in the car. Getting away from my daily routine brings peace and joy to my soul. I have discovered I often find myself on an impromptu day out or time away. I have learned, it is best to be prepared regularly. So I have an area in my garage with walking gear, my bike and equipment, and everything I need if I am going to take off on an overnight camping adventure.
People who ride in my car will notice I am ready for a travel adventure at any given moment with a complete stock of blankets, a camp chair, a cooler and my car tool kit. What is interesting and quite intriguing to me is this… I experience the same giddy excitement of what is to come in my walk with Jesus each day. I look forward to seeing what is ahead for me in the day. Where will Jesus and I walk each day? Where will the Holy Spirit lead.
I find the best days with Jesus are the days I have gotten up and spent my early hours with my Father, my Creator. My Father knows me the best. He know what I need each day; Am I tired? Do I need rest? Am I on top of the world? Will this be a day of getting a lot of work done? Is this a day of visits of those who are shut-in, friends who need a hug or a time of conversation? I find the time with my Father in those early morning hours that He provides a schedule that I can keep; one that is doable; and one that energizes me to get the most joy by serving Him as I connect with others. God has created us to serve one another in love.
“For this is the message you heard from the beginning:
We should love one another.”
1 John 3:11
We cannot love one another if we do not have the love of God, our Father. Each morning, I take time to discover, through His Word and my listening heart and ears, that God, my Father loves me. And guess what, he loves YOU too! With the daily knowledge of knowing He loves me, I can move forward in my day, with confidence. I am loved so I can love others.
It with His love that I am able to FIRST love and care for myself, that I am able to spend precious quiet time with just Him and that I am capable to be open for others by serving them at their point of need. It is by preparing with JESUS, that I am ready for the whatever or whomever comes my way.
Are you ready for your day? Can you say at the end of the day, “It is well with my soul?” Are you ready to meet whatever or whomever comes along your path today?
I pray you are. If not, I pray you will find time each day to sit and allow God your Father, your Creator to love on you, His child.
With Hope & Love,