When change comes in our life because of something we have planned or expected, we often embrace it positively and with expectation. However, life is filled with times of change we do not expect or anticipate happening to us. These times can be difficult, they can knock us down and even cause us to question how we will move forward.
Life Coaching can help you rediscover HOPE in life and situations that were out of your control. Through powerful questions, the Life Coach helps uncover the hurt, pain or unanswered questions in order to bring light to living forward with HOPE through Transition in life’s unexpected changes.
Moments You Can't Put into Words

Our “Living Moments” workshops ponder the questions inside us.
We seek the purpose of why we respond the way we do to situations. This often leads to redefining terms we have misused opens closed doors.
We learn to live the moments of today, letting go yesterday’s regrets, and giving tomorrow HOPE.
Grace Living with our Adult Kids

Moms, are you hindering an adult relationship with your child by placing your expectations on your adult child? Are you hurt by your child’s choices and finding it difficult to move forward in a healthy relationship with your adult child? Are you living your life through your adult child?
Coach Katy Nelson understands. Through her life experiences, she coaches and walks the journey with moms through Uncommon Love, a Bible study that has encouraged her in letting go and letting God’s grace lead her as she waits holds the door open for her adult kids.
Are you ready to let your adult child live their life?
Are you ready to stop being hurt when you haven’t done anything to cause the hurt?
Are you ready to take back your life?
Coach Katy invites you to connect with her for a 20 minute information session. She listens with her heart to encourage and support you.
Will you reach out today?