God’s Character — God in the Unknown — Where is God calling out to you to take a Risk and Trust Him? God the Almighty, All-Sufficient, El Shaddai.
You learn the news that your child or your friend has done something that is causing you to wonder why God would allow such a thing in their life or your life?
-A job loss
-A sickness
-A decision that is causing long-term consequences
Where do you turn?
-Run to isolation
-A friend or co-worker
-Into the busyness of your job or other “stuff”
Are you turning to God? Does God enter your mind to turn to? God’s Word teaches that God knows-all, sees-all, and is all-powerful. Get honest with yourself. Are you turning to God first or last? Let’s see why turning to God first, may be a positive solution.
Throughout scripture we have testimonies of God providing for His people. In Genesis we see God providing for Hagar, Sarah’s slave girl, whose son was Ishmael, whom Sarah sent away, following the birth and weaning of Isaac. Again in Genesis we see God’s provision for Joseph, whose brothers sold him to traders, and he ended up in Potipher’s palace in Egypt, leading the country through a deep famine. Joseph continues to look toward God, concluding at the end of the story, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20 NIV
We often don’t understand that God has a reason or a purpose for the difficulties in our lives. We want to complain, blame another, or at times, we pull the covers over our head and just stop, then allow the worries of the situation take us out of our regular routine to the point it is difficult to even get out of bed.
In the scripture and stories listed above, each person had a choice to make. They could stay in the situation complaining, blaming, or covering their heads with blankets, but they didn’t. They chose to go: Hagar to the unknown desert with her son, Ishmael while crying out to God and Joseph chose to use the skills he was given, to live a life of integrity in both the palace and the jail. And in both situations, we see God responding with help. He provided Ishmael with water and Joseph saved his family during a great famine.
Let’s look to the New Testament and listen to this question Jesus asks: “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?…” Matthew 6:25-34 NIV
You and I have a choice. Where will you spend your energy?
Struggling to make things work out the way you want, becoming overwhelmed with what is happening around you,, becoming immobilized until life becomes some much of a burden that you suffer the consequences of ill health or loss of relationships.
Will you risk the response it takes to change? Will you walk forward into the unknown; trusting that God will stay faithful to His promise to never leave you or forsake you. God tells us to have courage, to stand strong, and go where He leads. He will go with us wherever we go. (Joshua 1:9)
The risk may include standing strong in making a decision that will cause you to lose something. This may look like going to a place in your life you have never gone before, it may be staying still and waiting for God to work in a relationship or to hear His Word in your life. Whatever the risk, it will no doubt be difficult. It will take courage and boldness. Oftentimes, others around you may not understand why but God is faithful! Those of us who have taken the risk, have experienced HOPE through our Seasons of life!
Is taking a risk in a situation you know is bad for you, difficult?
Do the words above give you goosebumps of excitement or do they scare you?
Would you like more information on the steps you need to take to move forward with risk?
Would you like to learn more about a God who can be Known in an Unknown situation of your life?
If any of these sound like you or you just want to know more about what we have going on, we invite you to sign up for our Newsletter and Weekly Tips. We will guide you on standing strong in life, living with risk in a healthier life and moving from an Unknown God to a Known God who cares for You! We also invite you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
We are praying for you as you take the first step to moving forward…#1 Step: Admit you have a situation in life that needs your attention.
Walking the journey of life together,