The changing seasons often bring times of reflection, especially the shift to fall. As the colors change, the mornings are cooler, the evenings are fading more quickly into dusk, our minds often wander back over the memories of the summer, and then soon, we are thinking of the year and all it brought with it, both good and bad.
This season, my thoughts wander to my business, the ministry God has called me to lead. I begin to think back to my early years in full time ministry, serving in children’s ministry with our neighborhood children. A couple years in, God called me into full-time ministry with children, including going back to school to earn my bachelor’s degree and then the completion of my ordination requirements in my local church. Through these years, serving in several churches, I learned the joys of serving the Lord, the difficulties of full time ministry, and I’ve made lasting friendships with staff and church members. Through it all God was faithful in teaching me to keep my eyes on Him.
Early in January 2015, mid-day, came the phone call that shook my world; my husband had fallen and was not moving or opening his eyes. All I could do was keep my eyes on God as I drove the hour and half to the hospital, praying the words, “God he is either with you or he is in the best hands on earth. Please get me to the hospital safely.” I arrived safely, was met by the chaplain and the word’s of my pastor, “Wes, has gone to be with Jesus!” Life stopped!
The next morning, opening my Bible, These words — “For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13) I took a hold of those words and have held onto them to this day. Through the last 6 years of business building, I have learned to trust God in the unknown – God is faithful!
God has a plan, with a purpose for your life. In the midst of joy, we exclaim His praises. It is in the midst of the unknowns, the challenges, and the difficulties He calls us to lean in a little deeper, grow closer with a desire to seek His way with more determination, and to follow Him to the next stage of growth.
Today, I invite you to look back at the seasons of your life. Look at various colors that have filled your life: days of celebration, times of sorrow, the seasons of pain and growth, and once again the season of celebration of new life, excitement, and refreshment. Take time to explore the lessons learned, receive the forgiveness and restoration, rebuild the relationships that may be torn, and rejoice in the new day! Celebrate the inner JOY that comes from truly living in the way of God, our Father.
“For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13) God’s strength will lead you!
The Lord is faithful, he walks each day with us. Through Walking With Women, we discover God’s ways for our lives, we learn growth steps through our friendships, relationships, speaking honestly with open hearts to one another, we live in grace, because we believe God has blessed us with His unending grace.
Today, we invite you to follow us on our Katy Nelson Coaching Facebook Page We also invite you to learn more about the seasons of life, by downloading our Tips for Growing in the Seasons of Life. We will send you this sheet when you sign up for our emails at Living with Purpose and Intention Newsletter
I love to serve women who are stuck on their journey. Life is made up of seasons, some we journey through with ease, others we struggle a bit more, and there are those where we get stuck. I understand women often need someone to walk through the seasons with. Feel free to connect with me through my website or via email.
Katy Nelson
Speaker, Writer, and Life Coach