This season of “Letting Go” has cumulated with rest, peace, and grace beyond measure! I have carried a heavy load of all of the above for many years. As I lived with the heaviness of the burden of fixing everything I felt I have done wrong, I have discovered I have not only put a burden on myself; but also those around me. Crazy! We think we are doing the right thing to fix things, when in reality we are complicating our past with today and even into the future!
Do you live in bondage of shame? Regret? Guilt? Oh my goodness! You are not alone!
On April 19th, Good Friday, a light bulb went on in my mind! A bright future! As we sang the words to “It Is Finished” by Gateway, Matt Birkenfeld, “over past regrets, You have spoken, all these things will fall, gone once and for all, when You said, It Is Finished! “ Jesus hung His head and died, carrying every last sin — past, present and future to the grave!
Grace abounds! We are free to do the work God has called us to because It Is Finished!
I invite you to the table of grace! At the table where your past is washed away! You can leave the table to live a life in Freedom of shame, regret and guilt!
If you would like to learn more about being washed in grace to live forward in freedom from inner bondage, I encourage you to connect with me at You too can experience a lighter load following God’s design for your life!
Katy Nelson, CPLC, ACC, GMC