Loving our Road Trips … this month we have a few of our outings to share; and we have a guest post as well! Fall is beautiful all around our country. Thank you, Kelly for sharing with us this month.
When we traveled to Lake Waccamaw, we had our boys with us. It was perfect because they saw several alligators and turtles, and were highly pleased. This natural lake is about an hour’s drive from where we live. Here’s an article for more about Lake Waccamaw: https://www.ourstate.com/lake-waccamaw/
~ Kelly

Our Road Trippin’ in Boise included Walks on the Greenbelt in Boise, hiking at Camelback Park, and a ride to Bogus Basin. Enjoy the pictures of fall in Southern Idaho.

Road Trippin’ has been our holiday’s tradition for years: We’ve all heard the lyrics “over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go.” This year may be a bit different but how will you celebrate the tradition, staying safe and physically distanced. Celebrating with Thanksgiving during a season of unknowns.
Let’s brainstorm some ideas:
Thanksgiving is being grateful for our blessings…our bounties, gifts and graces of the year! In this season, let’s take a moment to look back, rejoice in the goodness of our God and praise His name, giving Him the glory.
Counting our blessings:
- January and February: Life was as normal
- March: A new season of isolation…a time of reflection, personal growth and slowing down to discover what true priorities are.
- April – May: Learning to pivot to a new way of socializing and doing business.
- June – August: Traveling with shut-downs, celebrating with physical distance, a wedding in the midst of limited attendance.
- September: My son, a wild land firefighter protecting house structures in Oregon’s wildfires.
- October: An opportunity to connect with my niece’s kiddos as she and her husband got a weekend away.
- November – December: Still to be seen, but I am faithful there will be blessings to be celebrated!
May I encourage you to count your blessings…listing them one by one…family strength, friends on the helpline, strength to keep going each day…and God is on His throne, His promises TRUE today!
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you. …Do not be afraid, do not fear, for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 41:13-14
So take to the road and know God’s Word is our strength and God’s creation is living. Continue to look for life in God’s world by Road Trippin’ with Katy.
Katy Nelson