I am reading Charlie Hedges, Getting the Right Things Right, with the purpose of staying focused in growing KatyNelsonCoaching.net.

A business focus begins with a clear vision! Leadership is an art, who knew? Leadership is a vision; and a vision is visual! With a clear vision we Live Forward.

Momentum comes from a clear vision of what life should be. What we need is a strategic plan to build our vision. Having a plan in place helps us with our daily “to do” list, staying focused on the Right Thing each day!

Hedges begins with the Principle of Conscious Choice! Yes or No is a purposeful decision.

Asking the questions: “Who are you?” “Who were you?” “Who do you want to be?”

Often when we are dreaming of who we want to be we get stuck in our busyness of dreaming, playing office, admin things, hopelessness, i.e., calendaring, decorating, purchasing things that are cute, fun and make us happy. Hedges refers to this as the “blackhole.” Blackholes will suck the life out of us leading us to forget what matters.

I think of earlier this year as a blackhole, my confusion and concern for a loved one, drew me to get off course and flee like a chicken with my head cut off. Although I needed go, I didn’t have a plan. As I think back, the time was good, but it could have been much better, if I’d taken the time to pray and discover the strategic plan, God’s plan for the season. Blackholes distract us from being our best!

Through the first chapters in Hedge’s book, I discovered “Unreasonable people take the risk to do the right thing.” It may have seemed unreasonable to my loved one for me (and to me) to wait when the call came. To slow down, take a day out and pray, allowing me to get a grip on then move forward. Hedges writes that “Jesus did the unreasonable thing, he turned people’s thinking upside down”; i.e., love your enemies “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:43

Often we shake our head when we see a corporate leader leave the corporate world to pursue a dream or another area of interest. In the end, we see the person has made a greater contribution to the welfare of others, and the person is much happier and successful in their personal life. Yes, “unreasonable people take the risk to do the right thing.”

Doing things right is our everyday status quo. Doing the right thing is costly. There is tension between the two. We live our lives between the two. The unreasonable person has learned to Identify the blackholes, fight them, look at the unreasonable, change their thought pattern to doing the “right thing.”

What is the “unreasonable thing” you’d like to do in your life? What is the challenge in the “unreasonable thing”? Where will you turn your thinking upside down? Where will your actions turn peoples’ heads?

I invite you to continue the conversation at https://katynelsoncoaching.net/contact

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Katy Nelson



Clear Vision
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