It has happened once again, we as Americans have come into a time of unknowns. We look at our world today, our life today, and wonder, “What is happening?” “What has happened?” “How can this be?”

We are running to the store, grabbing toilet paper, cleaning supplies and food … and this week hair dye is flying off the shelves.

It’s a crazy time in our lives, lots of questions, wondering when will we back “to normal”? Some of us wonder, “Will we see our old normal again?”

As I read Matthew 6:25-34, I can relate in a new way to this passage. As I read God’s Word, my desire is to always look for HOPE in the passage. Today, vs 33 stands out … “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

“Seek first ….” “His Kingdom and His Righteousness” … “All these things will be given to you as well.”

What am I seeking each morning as I wake up? God’s Word tells me to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. I have learned, when I begin my day with a quiet time of seeking God and His presence in my life, my day goes better. I make better decisions, I am more aware of God’s interaction in my life and I see the interruptions of my day as “God Moments.” When my day begins with an awareness of God, I experience a HOPE that is present in the midst of the daily news, the activities that are happening around me and the things that I think I need or am missing are really not that important.

Throughout my day, as I am seeking (intentionally looking for) God’s Kingdom and Righteousness, I discover I am aware of things that I do not see with my own eyes. My worry is not forefront, because God brings peace in the day and a calmness in the night. With God as my focus, I can see beyond the fear and experience a PEACE that drives my thoughts so I can stay calm and make wise decisions for the moment, and not be concerned with tomorrow.

At the end of the day, when the time has come to lay down to rest, I realize that yes, “All these things have been given to me.” I am at peace, I have a joy in my spirit that does not not come from earthly things, and I rest with a calmness that brings complete peace. God has provided for my day!

Through this time, please know I am praying for you! This coronavirus is real! Many of you are suffering; many of you are fearful of losing loved one; and some of you have. I am so sorry.

In this time, may you find the hand of God reaching out to you. Not just in words but truly in love, with a HOPE that can bring healing to your inner being, your soul. Through these times of hurt, pain, fear and doubt, we experience God in ways we never have before. If you would like to connect, I encourage you to email me at I will listen, I will cry with you and I will walk the journey with you as you “seek first His kingdom and righteousness…that all these things can be given to you.”

Blessings to you,

Katy Nelson
Certified Professional Life Coach


A Time Like This …
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